When Is The Best Time To Write Blog Posts?

Avatar Posted by Theodore1988 under Online Marketing
From http://www.topbloggingcoach.com 4086 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on July 22, 2013 8:14 pm
I know that there is a thing called #writers #block and many of us surfers from it at one point or the other in fact, most people don’t even know how to handle it. Now, do you know that the #time you choose to be #writing your #blog #posts might also be the reason you're having writers block? Read on to find out.


Written by MyNoteTakingNerd
4081 days ago

I feel my writing flows freshest after I’ve had at least 7 hours of sleep (so important) and my mind has had this extended break from being “creative”.

As of lately, it’s been taking me around 12 hours to put together a 5,000 + word blog post. I split this into two days. By the last hour or two of the first day my mind starts wanting a break from having to come up with what to say and so this is when I let it have a break and I start doing cosmetic adjustments to the piece, fonts, pictures, editing/proofreading, stuff that is brain dead simple.

I’ve also found that having a 35 minute in the middle of the day is awesome but I think I want to start experimenting with meditating during this time because since I started making sure I get my 7 hours of sleep I’m not so tired at my nap time as I used to be when I’d get 4-6 hours of sleep.

Sleep and shifting gears to giving the “creative” part of the mind have instrumental to me consistently producing. :)

Written by JulianEdelman
4083 days ago

I find that using Nike's motto of "Just do it" makes me write my blog posts. The hardest part is simply sitting down and doing it. Just do it. It gets so much easier once you start seeing words on your screen.

Written by nirmalablog
4085 days ago

very useful post, I've learned a lot with it to write the blog posts. keep sharing!

Written by QueenMaa
4086 days ago

I think the best time to write depends on when you can do it. If the morning is better for you write in the morning and if the night is better for you than write at night. For me, I find the afternoon is better. I am not a night person my body automatically goes into chill mode. I don't like to write my blog posts at night. I also believe writer's block can set in if you post to sporadically. Try to have a schedule when you are posting to your blog. I was posting every Thursday but now I am posting every Monday because that is better for me now. This is working out great for me. I post once a week and the rest of the week is spent promoting. That gives me enough time to figure out what I will be writing about for the next week. Not too short but not too long. I prefer to take the middle path. Thank you for sharing your insights with us!

Written by bigmoneyweb
4086 days ago

A very thoughtful question Theodore and just as you said, I know that the answer will certainly be different from everyone. Knowing your post writing time will really enhance your productivity and help eliminate writers block. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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