“I don’t get it. I sent out this press release on PRWeb a week ago. It says that my release got over 600 impressions, but the only place I can find it online is on EarthNews.com.
Why don’t my press releases get any play?”
If pick up is a problem, let’s take a hard look at your releases.
3 ways to amp up your press releases, so they get picked up
Posted by lorinashbyron under Public RelationsFrom http://famousinyourfield.com 4245 days ago
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4245 days ago
I think the thing too many business owners forget when sending out press releases is that they should satisfy a need for the recipient. Think of it this way. A news editor or anyone running a news outlet has space to fill, but more importantly he or she has readers to keep interested. Helping you get publicity is just nowhere on their priority list. With this in mind, consider how you can help news outlets come up with stories that will thrill their audiences based on your expertise. Don't them stories about you and your business. Help them find great content and become a source for that great content in your field.