If content is king, then writing a book is the apex of content creation. Self publishing may not be the secret to getting rich, but here's a list of the other great reasons that writing a book can help you promote your personal brand, products and message. It may seem daunting and time consuming, but they payoffs can be amazing.
Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book
Posted by popularpicks under Public RelationsFrom https://www.entrepreneur.com 3000 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on September 19, 2016 12:52 am
Who Voted for this Story
2852 days ago
As the author Tucker rightly pointed out, writing and publishing a book is one of best way to get attention, but sad it's the most under-utilized one too.
Yes, a book of your own gives a clear cut identity of yours.
Yes, it can also bring out a multi-purpose marketing.
Thanks Tucker for bringing out such an informative piece.
Keep sharing
May you have a wonderful and profitable weekend
~ Phil
2853 days ago
2852 days ago
I am a certified networker, so I will check out your book! :)
All the Best,
Martin Lindeskog
2991 days ago
2997 days ago