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Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book

Avatar Posted by popularpicks under Public Relations
From 3000 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on September 19, 2016 12:52 am
If content is king, then writing a book is the apex of content creation. Self publishing may not be the secret to getting rich, but here's a list of the other great reasons that writing a book can help you promote your personal brand, products and message. It may seem daunting and time consuming, but they payoffs can be amazing.


Written by pvariel
2852 days ago

Great secret revealed.

As the author Tucker rightly pointed out, writing and publishing a book is one of best way to get attention, but sad it's the most under-utilized one too.

Yes, a book of your own gives a clear cut identity of yours.

Yes, it can also bring out a multi-purpose marketing.

Thanks Tucker for bringing out such an informative piece.

Keep sharing

May you have a wonderful and profitable weekend


~ Phil

Written by RenoLovison
2853 days ago

This is so true. I wrote "Turn Your Business Card Into Business" about face-to-face networking and people often ask "How many boooks did you sell?" That is not the right question because for non-fiction (especially business) writers it is about how many opportunities did it create.

Written by lyceum
2852 days ago

Reno: Your comment is suitable as it is the International Networking Week®! ;)

I am a certified networker, so I will check out your book! :)

All the Best,

Martin Lindeskog

Written by tiroberts
2991 days ago

I did it is awesome and I am definitely going to be adding author to my title soon

Written by lyceum
2997 days ago

I am in the process of writing my first book on tea. I can't afford to use the service mentioned in the article (Book in Box). Instead of 20k, I need $2000 for the illustrations for the book, design, editing, marketing, book fees, sales material, etc. You could support my crowdfunding campaign, by becoming a backer and spreading the good word! :)

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