10 top home business ideas

10 top home business ideas - http://finance.yahoo.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Resources
From http://finance.yahoo.com 5456 days ago
Made Hot by: UpToUs on July 31, 2009 12:00 pm
These top 10 home business ideas come courtesy of Yahoo! Personal Finance. Those interested in working from home might include parents who want to spend more time with children, retirees in need of extra income or disabled people, the article suggests, but no matter what the motivation, these opportunities raise some possibilities for those with the right skills. It is also important to note that while many of these suggestions might fall under the heading of a work-at-home job, most of them also fit the simple definition of a small business as well, especially if done in a freelance capacity.


Written by lyceum
5455 days ago

It was interesting to see that they had listed "Writer/Editor" related to blogging.

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