5 brands that are brilliant on Instagram

5 brands that are brilliant on Instagram  - https://www.jonnyross.com Avatar Posted by jonnyross under Social Media
From https://www.jonnyross.com 3410 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on March 8, 2015 10:43 pm
We can learn a lot from what the big brands do on Instagram, but the business social media marketing success stories aren’t just for the big guns. Since brands started using Instagram as a way of advertising their goods and services, we’ve seen more and more creative content on the photo based social media platform. Visual marketing is here to stay; with reports of higher engagement with photo posts across platforms such as Facebook and Twitter it’s no surprise that brands have migrated to Instagram to boost brand awareness with creative content and a clever business social media strategy.

Here are my top five picks for some of the best brand marketing on Instagram: why not take inspiration from their posts and set up your own account?


Written by A.Medeiros87
3405 days ago

this is great stuff. these brands truly are ahead of the curve!

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