The lists of top influencers are often full of names that we see everywhere.

Today, I have decided to take a different path, and celebrate five people you may not know, but who have had a huge impact on their audiences.


Written by tcamba
4265 days ago

Cendrine, I haven't heard of the other four until now.It's only Ilean of BasicBlogTips that I know. Thanks for sharing these awesome people to us here in BizSugar!

Written by cendrinemedia
4266 days ago

Happy to help! :-)

Written by BizRock
4266 days ago

Cendrine thank you for sharing Twitters of this 5 people who rock in their fields. I want to learn just little from each of them! :)

Written by bigmoneyweb
4266 days ago

I'm already following these people for years now and believe me, I have learn and keep learning from them. Thanks for letting us know more about them. :)

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