7 Reasons Why Unemployed People Should Start Blogging

7 Reasons Why Unemployed People Should Start Blogging - http://basicblogtips.com Avatar Posted by Ileane under Social Media
From http://basicblogtips.com 4199 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on January 7, 2013 1:33 pm
Are you tired of being unemployed and have nothing to work towards? Start blogging today and work towards something positive and even profitable…


Written by Ileane
4196 days ago

Thanks Tc.

Written by BizRock
4199 days ago

Excellent reasons how blogging can help you when you are unemployed! Blogging can improve a lot of your skills!

Thank you for sharing!

Written by Ileane
4196 days ago

Thank you BizRock.

Written by Sian Phillips
4199 days ago

I love the premise of this post Ileane. It makes complete sense. When I set up my own business.....and had no clients.....I set up a blog and starting writing. I explained what I planned to do and started it, sharing it on Social Media. And thankfully clients started coming in. 12 months later I was almost full up. 24 months later and I'm turning work away. You have to be proactive in this day and age. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.com

Written by Ileane
4196 days ago

That is amazing Sian. I remember when - love to see how far you've come.

Written by tcwatson
4196 days ago

I second that Sian! I followed the same blueprint.

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