In the social media age, do people decide if you're a worthy connection based on the types of interactions and people you engage with? If so, is it time for a spring clean?


Written by elainerogers
4551 days ago

The word SOCIAL is taking on a heightened importance in every aspect online.

Hi Debbie - a wonderful engaging post, and one that everyone can associate with on one level or another. Having being involved with Social Media and Social Networking for 4 years now, I see shifting patterns constantly. I agree that SN has become more socially focussed and not all about numbers anymore, as is the Internet in general.One thing many people seem to oversee is that whether we communicate online or offline, we are still human beings and have not lost our gut instincts and emotional intelligence.

It's time to rely on them again, and accept that we are all complicated creatures, and even online, nothing is black or white :))

And it's all ever so interesting :-)

Written by nialldevitt
4552 days ago

I have little doubt that we are now judged by the company you keep online. Where previously people were judged on the number of followers/friends etc, people now consider the types of interactions we make and who we interact with. This is also a large part of the reason while tools like Klout, while not perfect are gaining traction. Also, I'm loving the ten personality types, great fun and I know bumped into them all (online) at this stage.

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