Create Social Media Buzz with Empire Avenue

Create Social Media Buzz with Empire Avenue  - Avatar Posted by mallton under Social Media
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 1, 2013 2:14 pm
Empire Avenue includes an extremely effective tool, called Missions, that you can use to get other Empire Avenue users to help share your latest blog and social media posts. Find out how.


Written by lyceum
4106 days ago

Mike Allton: Thank you very much for describing your daily routine on the Empire Avenue. I will check it out during the spring. I have a personal interest in the financial market and it could be interesting to see how it could be combined with social media activities.

Have you read business cases on how companies have used EA?

Written by mallton
4105 days ago

Actually, no, I haven't seen any such case studies published. Perhaps I'll write one!

Written by lyceum
4106 days ago

Mike Allton: How much time do you spend on EA, compared with other social media channels? Could you compare EA with other measurements of influence, e.g. Klout?

I am interested in testing EA, but I am not sure how will manage the time aspect of it! ;)

Written by mallton
4106 days ago

Great questions.

I will be the first to admit that I spend less time on EA than many. I spent far more time my first go-around as I learned how to use the site. Now that I'm comfortable and have a set system, I literally spend just 10-15 minutes a day.

Once in the morning and again in the evening, I use the Empire Avenue app to go through the purchases and notifications and make investments in others. That takes just a few minutes.

Each time I have a new blog post, I create a mission to promote it and that takes just a few minutes as well.

For that little time investment, the impact on my social media activity and site traffic is stunning.

EA does not measure influence like Klout or Kred. Instead, it's a pure statistic of how active you were on connected networks. How many posts to Facebook did you make today? How many comments did you get? What about YouTube, Instagram, Foursquare?

By glancing at your EA stats, you can quickly remind yourself to do someone on one of those networks, assuming it's part of your business strategy.

There are also more extensive reports you can look at which help analyze your reach.

Written by lyceum
4106 days ago

Mike Allton: Thanks for your response and advice. What is the biggest outcome you have got from Empire Avenue?

Written by mallton
4106 days ago

First, I have made lots of connections with people in my industry.

Second, it's helped give me yet another barometer for how I'm doing with my own social media activity.

But importantly, as I discuss in the article, EA has been fantastic for helping to get new blog posts shared and re-shared on social networks, increasing my visibility and readership.

Written by lyceum
4106 days ago

Mike Allton: Thanks for writing a primer on Empire Avenue ("the social media exchange"). I haven't had energy and time to play around with it. Are real companies involved in the exchange in a big way, or is it more of a simulation game?

Written by mallton
4106 days ago

You're welcome!

And yes, you'll find a mix of brands and individuals. And in fact, the leaderboards are separated by businesses and individuals.

Generally, I recommend that people join as individuals, but larger companies can definitely jump in and find success.

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