In his article “Google+ Is Not Dead”, Gary starts out by stating that he’s just going to say it because it’s what we’re all thinking which is Google+ is a failure. Gary says he doesn’t mean to diss Google at all because he considers the search giant the best tech company on earth but he says that Google+ is something that’s simply “outside Google’s DNA” wherein they tried to copy what they observed but that it was ill-fated. Gary states that he does use Google+ as he finds it to be a relevant platform for him to engage on. However, Gary believes that Google+ may not be around anymore in five years as like other ‘social platforms’ Google+ isn’t that social anymore as it’s more of a content distribution network.


Written by tiroberts
3521 days ago

Interesting thought about Google+'s existence in five years. Businesses are better off building on core areas most relevant to what they do well.


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