Help - I am Having a Social Media Burnout!

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Social Media
From 4216 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on March 19, 2013 12:56 am
Social media is fun, engaging and often weird; but regardless of all the goodness, I just can't stand it anymore: I'm having a social media burnout!


Written by QueenMaa
4211 days ago

totally agree with you. You can really burn out fast and it is almost impossible to be active in all of the social networks. I know from experience that it is no joke trying to socialize in all of these social networks. Like you said I am going to try to be involved with about 3 or 4 and call it a day. I have had no luck with communities and I think it is because I have spread myself to thin. Thanks for a great blog post and one I can definitely relate to! :)

Written by ivanpw
4210 days ago


Thanks all the same!

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