How Many Followers do You Really Have on Twitter?

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Social Media
From 4093 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on July 15, 2013 6:04 am
Lots of jokes have surfaced recently suggesting that most followers on Twitter are either fake, robots, spammers or some other entity which doesn't actually read anybody's tweets. Is this really true?


Written by BizRock
4085 days ago

Real Twitter followers always will be rare. I can bet that 80% of followers did not even seen any of your tweets... That can be disappointing!

Thank you for sharing!

Written by bloggerpalooza
4085 days ago

Definitely there's a lot of things can be done using Facebook.

Written by BizRock
4085 days ago

I'm more FB fan. :)

Written by bloggerpalooza
4085 days ago

You never can tell that thing BizRock. Maybe the tweets doesn't trends because it is outdated topic or not so interesting and not intriguing. It is necessary to a Twitter user to tweet a useful or a statement that has sense so that many will see the next time the user will tweet again.

Written by OpenSourceMedia
4086 days ago

Is there a reliable basis of your equation? My new account in twitter has only 7 followers and all of them are my trusted friends. And do you think they are robots since the result is .7? Haha so funny.

Written by empowerboost
4086 days ago

Hi, Daniel!

That's true! I have almost 11k followers, but it's useless! (because I used automated softwares in the past). My number of "real" followers is probably around few hundred.

Ah, and on top of that Twitter marketing is so hard..

Best wishes,


Written by lyceum
4086 days ago

I have 3968 followers at the moment. I want to have more real followers, so I can overcome Twitters follow limit. I am following 4370 tweeps at the moment. What to do?

Written by bigmoneyweb
4093 days ago

Hello Dan,

I can really tell you if this is true or not but, its possible because there is a saying that, in every lie, there must be an atom of truth. But, I always try to unfollow my inactive Twitter followers because, I believe in quantity and not quality. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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