By Jean Dion

Busy executives everywhere are told, over and over again, that social media is a must for their success in the marketplace. Just by logging on and speaking out, they’ll gain consumers hand over fist, and gain the success they’ve only dreamed about in the past.

In a way, this is true. In fact, the statistics suggest that social media really should be part of the future for any successful company, but few are positioned to do it right.


Written by tiroberts
3887 days ago

Yeah, social media can be a headache so it's important to have certain boundaries in place to keep yourself from going haywire. Thanks for sharing your tips.

Written by AngelBiz
3887 days ago

Jean - Excellent points. Do not jump on the bandwagon just because everyone else is on the social media. it takes lot of preparation and time to do it right. The advice you have provided should be read by anyone who is thinking of doing social media BEFORE jumping in.

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