Does Instagram confuse you? It did me for a long time and what kind of site doesn’t let you link out in posts?

Well, Instagram is that kind of site.

In this article, we run through some very simple Instagram basics that will help you come to a better understanding of the mechanics of Instagram.

If you cover all the points in this article you be moving in the right direction to grow your Instagram following and build your engagement.


Written by lyceum
2282 days ago

Lisa: THanks for your help!

Written by lyceum
2282 days ago

Infobunny: Thanks for the information.

Written by Infobunny
2283 days ago

see reply below

Written by lyceum
2284 days ago

Lisa: Thanks for your response. I look forward to the answer from your contributor.

All the Best,


Written by ambejoss
2285 days ago

I have very difficulty in managing my instagram which I use to promote the products I sell. With the article you share it makes it easy for me and very helpful, thanks.

Also visit my article [Moderator's note: removed link. ^ML]

Written by Inspiretothrive
2285 days ago

You are welcome Ambejoss.

Written by lyceum
2286 days ago

Lisa: I have to remember to change the URL link in my bio profile now and then. How many followers do you need to have in order to have clickable links in photos?

Written by Infobunny
2283 days ago

Hi, I am guessing that you are talking about links in stories and if you want those it is 10000 followers and only on business profiles.

Written by Inspiretothrive
2285 days ago

That's a great question Lyceum, I"m not sure be will check with my contributor on that one!

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