LinkedIn - 3 Big Myths About How To Use It

Avatar Posted by Kristi under Social Media
From 3025 days ago
Made Hot by: nicregi on June 17, 2016 1:44 pm
LinkedIn truly turned into the B2B prospecting powerhouse that it is today at around the turn of 2011, when the platform’s user base crossed the 100 million mark. There are, however, many misconceptions about LinkedIn’s potential as a B2B prospecting platform.


Written by ivanpw
3021 days ago

I agree - all myths! I've done my B2B there, network with real people and as my network grow, my influence is also growing (KPI: messages and emails from fellow Linkedin members)

Written by tiroberts
3024 days ago

You offered some really interesting perspectives here. Thanks for sharing with us.

Written by nicregi
3025 days ago

Hi Kristi,

Thanks for sharing! Linkedin isn't bad. It just takes time to learn and discover the ins and outs of it. Great article and I just bookmarked it!

Written by socialwebcafe
3024 days ago

I love how you put that Nicregi! Yes, it takes time to, eh, grow on you? A lot of good features on LI and even I could spend more time there. It is great that this article pointed out some of the misconceptions.

Written by VirtualBren
3025 days ago

Hi Kristi,

This is a really great article on LinkedIn. There are so many people, like said in the article, that just don't understand the power of it. I'm not on it very much, however, when I am I'm astonished to see the amount of awesome information out there.

Great way to bring awareness on the subject.


Written by pvariel
3025 days ago

Hi Kristi,

Thanks for curating this wonderful and informative post here for the readers.

Yes, there are a lot of misconception about this wonderful platform. I joined in this years back when I was an active member of Google's Knol pages, and we developed separate forum/Group there for the knol authors, in fact, that was our main communication platform other than Knol. but sad Knol's untimely death put a full stop to our activities there. But occasionally I used to share my post and even others posts there, and as Erik said these days I could find a tremendous flow of traffic from there. As mentioned in the post, there are a lot of misconception about this amazing platform, many think that it's just a Job hunting place, but that is surely not. Jaakko Paalanen very well bursts those 3 myths thru his post.

Thanks again for this great share.

May you have a great day


Written by Kristi
3025 days ago

It's amazing how many people still underestimate the power of LinkedIn. I get leads off of this network on a regular basis just for being there. I don't even actively pursue customers - I just post updates and participate in groups where I know my customers are. It's really that simple. :)

Written by erikemanuelli
3025 days ago

For coincidence, I started posting updates on LinkedIn too, since a few weeks. I noticed that for each update I post, I get 60/70 views, on average. Not too shabby!

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