LinkedIn for small business offers many opportunities which you should be taking advantage of. LinkedIn has been around for some time and has only over the last year or so begun to get the credit and exposure it deserves. I still think it is being under utilised by many businesses, and small business in particular. Here are 6 reasons why you should be using LinkedIn:
LinkedIn for small business: Are you taking advantage?
Posted by Jose Jimenez under Social MediaFrom 4963 days ago
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4957 days ago
Thanks for contributing to BizSugar! I may be in the minority in having been a big user of LinkedIn long before Facebook and find it particularly helpful in the case of B2B. Plus recent enhancements including upgrading of the group section and the update section into what amounts to a microblogging platform of sorts has made it even more useful and versatile. The biggest problem today, I find, is saturation. There are just so many people on Facebook and Twitter (or at least more active on these sites than they are on LinkedIn) that marketing and networking on these two platforms is nearly imperative nowadays...often to the detriment of involvement on LinkedIn and other potentially useful but less high volume sites.
4943 days ago
One of the reasons I produced a post on LinkedIn was because I still don't think there is enough awareness of what it has to offer. Facebook and Twitter seem to be the obvious choices as you stated but LinkedIn shouldn't be discounted. The interesting thing about Facebook is many people want to keep it for personal use but this is starting to change because of its popularity from a business point of view.