Over one year ago I blogged about having many Twitter Followers and what it could do for you on Twitter. As you can see the post was still being shared recently. (Thanks to JustRetweet, hint!)
Having a large Twitter following can give you more social proof on the Twitter network. People may decide to follow you if they see how many other peeps are following you on Twitter. If they only see a few hundred followers they may decide NOT to follow you. It’s human nature, right? Of course having a great Twitter bio, photo and pinned tweet can help you to get more Twitter followers too. Profiles that are really clever on Twitter can get me all the time to follow them.


Written by lyceum
3336 days ago

Lisa: That's good to hear! :) I am in it for the long run. I started with Twitter in 2007.

Written by lyceum
3338 days ago

Lisa: I have been struggling with Twitter's follow limit rule for some time. I think that the 80/20 rule will play along here to. I am focusing on my core followers, friends and business contacts, but I am also interested in reaching out to new tweeps.

Written by Inspiretothrive
3336 days ago

That's the way to do it orgnically Lyceum :) It just takes time.

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