Pinterest Expands Buyable Pins for eCommerce Merchants

Pinterest Expands Buyable Pins for eCommerce Merchants - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Social Media
From 3181 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on October 15, 2015 2:53 am
Michael Yamartino, Pinterest product manager, says in an article that Buyable Pins can now be integrated into eCommerce platforms such as eBay-owned Magento, IBM Commerce, and Bigcommerce. Pinterest is also rolling out new Buyable Pins from DVF, Steven Alan, and Wayfair — all of which are supported by its launch partners, Shopify and Demandware.


Written by lyceum
3179 days ago

This is a fascinating development of the e-commerce industry with social selling on social media platforms. I will look into this new feature, and see if I can use it for my hobby business in the future.

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