Blogging and blog writing to attract readers and search engines to your site means that you must not lose track of why you are writing your blog. The blog should be directly or relevant to the business product or service you are trying to promote. If you veer too far off topic, you will not get the right readers and your business will not be found by the search engines when people hunt for items relevant to it.


Written by yoni67
4952 days ago


Great post. But...happily for me, I am a writer. It gives me a lot of extra leeway that others don't really have. I can write about any silly, amusing, historic, philosophical, etc., etc, topic that I want. All I have to really do is entertain or inform those who are looking for a writer.

It sort of gives me an edge...I don't envy "regular" businesspeople who have to stick to the rules.

Good luck with your new blogging venture!


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