The Power of the Social Network

Avatar Posted by rsmiller510 under Social Media
From 4105 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on July 2, 2013 9:05 am
Even after all these years, and in spite of all the documented benefits, social media still gets a bad rap sometimes inside some organizations, but there is power in the network whether it’s linking computers together or people — and every business would be wise to understand that.


Written by HeatherStone
4100 days ago

Hi Ron,

One of the ways to quickly realize the power of a social network is to experience life without it for a change. If you've developed a particularly strong community around a specific website, group of websites, topics or businesses, try branching out and starting one from scratch in a totally new area or perhaps in a totally new and unrelated niche business. Feel that total isolation? That feeling that no one cares about or is reading that next post or sharing it with others? Can't ask a question and get an answer immediately? That's life without a social network. A lonely place! Thanks for sharing with the BizSugar community.

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