Twitter is a deceptively simple social network. You can set up your perfect Twitter profile. Feeds are either public or private. You can follow users, and be followed. You only have 140 character to speak your piece. And you can use a hashtags for organization. That’s pretty much it. Except it’s so much more. Take those hashtags, for example. What Are Hashtags A hashtag (#) preceding a word (without spaces) is how Twitter users tag and categorize content on the network. Twitter says it is how users define their tweet according to “keyword”, but it is much more than that. Hashtags [...]


Written by julesvern97
4319 days ago

Thanks for reading, Sian. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Hashtags are such a simple yet effective way to conversations around the entire world -- something so simple accomplishes so much.

Written by Sian Phillips
4319 days ago

You've packed this full of lots of handy info. I especially agree with the last point about overloading with Hashtags - it's very annoying. A few years ago I used #Twineup as a hashtag for a virtual online party which took off really well. We had people in different countries joining in. Thanks for sharing on

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