Twitter Follower: A question from a reader answered

Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Social Media
From 2964 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on August 13, 2016 10:44 am
When a recent blog post got a question, we responded. The problem was our response was long. So we decided to take their question about Twitter Advertising and follow limits and make it into a blog post. You can read our answer here.


Written by tiroberts
2961 days ago

Great answer and article.

Written by davidlowbridge
2960 days ago

Thank you.

Written by lyceum
2963 days ago


Thanks for your update.

Talk soon again!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
2964 days ago


Thank you very much for creating a post on my questions with answers to them. I appreciate it very much!

Have you reached out to Twitter regarding their follow limit rule?

I recently had a conversation with Brian G. Peters of Buffer, and he gave me the suggestion to test a service called Crowdfire. Have you tested it? My conversation with Brian will be published on EGO NetCast later on today.

Written by davidlowbridge
2963 days ago


You are most welcome. Any time I can help, happy to.

In regards to Twitter. They never responded to me about my spam account comments I made before, so I doubt that they would listen to me about Twitter follow limits.

For Crowdfire, I've not tested it myself. I do a lot of Twitter management on social oomph,, Twitter and Hootsuite - combining the best parts of them to get a solution that is near perfect.

Look forward to listening to your podcast.


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