If you’re struggling with setting up a social media ad campaign, Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) has just introduced a solution right up your alley.
The new Twitter Promote Mode is an “always-on, amplification engine” which automatically boosts tweets and profiles.
By repeatedly promoting tweets, Promote Mode consistently attracts more followers and creates additional reach. The Promote Mode feature costs a flat fee of $99 a month.


Written by Inspiretothrive
2513 days ago

LOL, thanks! I would to try it for one month. It would be real interesting to see how well it works. I've done a few ads here and there with them but nothing over the $50 range to date.

Written by lyceum
2513 days ago

Lisa: I look forward to hear how it goes with your test of Twitter Promote Mode.

Written by Inspiretothrive
2513 days ago

That will not be good Martin with auto messaging. I didn't think the ads would be DM though, am I wrong?

Written by lyceum
2513 days ago

Lisa: I was pulling your leg a bit! Sorry! ;) I am bit worried how Twitter could become an echo chamber with automated tweets, without a real-time conversation. I am for automating things now and then. I have to look into this ad service in a bit more in the future. Right now, it is out of my budget range.

Written by Inspiretothrive
2514 days ago

That's an interesting strategy. I think it is brilliant for Twitter to do that since they are so many other tech company offerings that sell services that are similar.

But having to go direct via Twitter may be better all around :)

Written by lyceum
2513 days ago

Lisa: What will happen with the real-time interaction on Twitter, when it is bombarded with automessage?! ;)

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