Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the negative qualities of internet usage: addiction, the deterioration of written language, strained eyes, lost work hours, etc. Plus, we are constantly reminded of online dangers such as hacking, viruses and identity theft.

But did you know that the internet can actually be good for you?

In this interactive data visualization (fancy stuff!) we explore how the internet is a benefit in the areas of health, learning, communication, the economy and even human rights:


Written by ChelseaLeigh
3720 days ago

Thanks for sharing. This is quite informative, in your opinion though do all the factors outlined in the info-graph outweigh all the negative aspects the internet habits?

Written by tiroberts
3732 days ago

This is a really interesting take on social media and the internet. I think that social media can most of the time be a serious time suck but I agree that in some aspects it can be great for you. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this with us.

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