4 Unexpected Tech Tools to Help Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

4 Unexpected Tech Tools to Help Survive a Zombie Apocalypse  - http://www.waspbarcode.com Avatar Posted by MikeWasp under Strategy
From http://www.waspbarcode.com 3887 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on November 14, 2013 2:09 am
Halloween may be over but the threat of a zombie apocalypse transcends far past the spooky holiday. In fact, over the last year, the idea of a zombie outbreak has infiltrated books, movies, and television shows. For those unfamiliar, a zombie apocalypse refers to the breakdown of society as a result of an initial zombie outbreak that quickly spreads throughout civilization.


Written by grmond56
3886 days ago

Nothing like being prepared for any event. Personally, I like #1 and #2 tools. I'm not a coffee drinker! :)

Geri Richmond

Written by lyceum
3886 days ago

As I have said before, I am not into the zombie fad, but I enjoyed the smart tips on survival kits! ;) I will show the CoffeeBrewer to a nice coffee place in my town. It got me some ideas for my favorite beverage, tea! :)

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