5 Fatal Errors to Avoid When Starting a Business

5 Fatal Errors to Avoid When Starting a Business  - http://exitpromise.com Avatar Posted by Exit Promise under Strategy
From http://exitpromise.com 3990 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on August 1, 2013 7:05 am
It never ceases to amaze entrepreneurs how certain seemingly simple decisions, made during the early years of their business startup, can become fatal errors down the road. After meeting with many business owners across a broad spectrum of industries it’s common to find them enduring the consequences of the same, or similar, errors over and over again. In most cases these early errors become very costly when its comes time to sell the business. In some cases they are fatal. Below are the 5 most common errors to avoid when starting a business.


Written by BizRock
3989 days ago

This is so true, you must avoid this 5 most common errors when you starting a business.Thanks for this information, I think it is very useful to know all this!

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