We all know and appreciate the importance of involvement in professional organizations. But, did you ever think membership in these organizations might be counter-productive to your business or career? While the notion might sound illogical, in certain instances it can be true.

Read on for ways to effectively utilize time management skills when considering professional groups.


Written by HeatherStone
3819 days ago

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for the great post and, of course, thanks to Holly for sharing it with the BizSugar community. I have to say it's the first time I've heard it put quite this way before, but, yes, I think everyone's had those experiences with membership organizations that take a lot of time and return very little. The key, I think, is to look at things in a very utilitarian way. Think of organizations from the standpoint of ROI. What are you getting from your membership? It's the way to approach just about everything in your business and a good way to be sure you're not simply going through the motions.

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