How to Survive a Boredom Meeting

How to Survive a Boredom Meeting  - Avatar Posted by tathan under Strategy
From 3876 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on November 17, 2013 1:27 pm
It is not difficult to survive a boredom meeting, if you know the outcome. But the most of the times you don’t know it and for that reason you attend the designated (planned by others the most of the times) meeting. The trick though is, how to make the truly uninterested meetings productive (in case you cannot avoid the participation!)

All we need some strategies for surviving a boredom meeting or transform it in a productive one. Here some strategies to help you survive a boredom meeting.


Written by lyceum
3871 days ago

Takis: If you are an individual you have to bring your true ego (i.e., yourself, ego = I in Latin) in the conference. But that doesn't mean that you can't listen to the other parties in the room.

Written by tathan
3866 days ago

No, off course not. But when in meeting you should first listen to others, besides your self. And that's why you should leave your ego out! Is a small reminder that first you have to listen before you speak! Some times works, though!

Written by lyceum
3873 days ago

Yeah, I thought so! :) Have the cartoons framed and put them in the conference room! ;)

Written by tathan
3872 days ago

Yes, why not. But in generally I try to post a small label says, anyone enters leave his/her ego outside! Sometimes, this works too.

Written by lyceum
3874 days ago

I have attended several boring meetings during the years! ;) I think that Mark Anderson of Andertoons could illustrate your post in a funny way! :)

Written by tathan
3873 days ago

This might be a good suggestion Lyceum. Thank you for your comment.

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