Interview with Anita Campbell, Founder and CEO of Small Business Trends

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Strategy
From 4320 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on November 21, 2012 1:59 pm
Anita Campbell is the Founder and CEO of Small Business Trends, a popular U.S.-based site for small business advice. She talks to us about content creation, content monetization, and entrepreneurship.


Written by lyceum
4280 days ago

Unmana: Great interview! I have to chew Anita's statement:

"What’s the one thing you hate doing but still force yourself to do every week?

It’s not that I hate it, but I find I have less and less time to write. So I really have to force myself to write."

I have been blogging for 10+ years now and I have had writer's block and lack of time now and then. I will become better on writing on a regular basis in 2013. I will also use the audiovisual content material as I will start up a interview series on my podcast show. I will also play around with the video format.

Written by smallbiztrends
4314 days ago

Unmana, I really appreciate the opportunity for the interview. You asked great questions. That's the secret of a good interview: how good the questions are. Next time I will try to answer faster - LOL.

- Anita

Written by mywifequitherjob
4318 days ago

Awesome interview. I enjoyed reading it!

Written by smallbiztrends
4314 days ago

Thanks, Steve. Glad to share a little knowledge whenever I can!

Written by HeatherStone
4318 days ago

Hi Unmana,

Thanks so much for doing this interview. I think Anita's insights will be a great help to other fledgling online entrepreneurs. It's awesome to have this post shared on BizSugar so our members can all benefit too!

Written by tiroberts
4319 days ago

Absolutely fantastic interview post, Unmana. And, I appreciate you sharing your insights with us, Anita. You really shared some great stuff. I especially liked what you said about getting most of your knowledge base from the contributors at BizSugar. I definitely agree with that statement because since I've discovered the BizSugar community, my knowledge and business has grown by leaps as well. You can get some of the best golden nuggets from some of the best up and coming blogs. Thanks again for this interview and sharing it with our BizSugar community. I appreciate it!


Written by smallbiztrends
4319 days ago

Thanks -- I enjoyed doing the interview. Sometimes I surprise myself with what I know about online publishing and online marketing. LOL

- Anita

Written by Unmana
4319 days ago

Thanks for doing this, Anita. You shared so much good advice I'm going to keep going back and re-reading the interview.

Written by BizRock
4320 days ago

Awesome interview with Anita Campbell! Its amazing what people can do and what they can achieve in 10years even if they start just by helping their friends! True, best advice for every small business owner is to not give up too soon, because everything need time to grow and only then you will have your results and real profit!

Written by amabaie
4320 days ago

So many times in life the difference between winning and losing is when you choose to give up.

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