Kindness Pays, Eh? The Top 5 Business Lessons from Canada

Kindness Pays, Eh? The Top 5 Business Lessons from Canada - Avatar Posted by aprilatwood under Strategy
From 3894 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on November 8, 2013 5:01 pm
We think small business owners can take some great lessons from Canadian business, food, and leisure activities!


Written by tiroberts
3883 days ago

You're welcome, April. I'm sure we'll be seeing more great content from you soon, right? :)

Written by tiroberts
3891 days ago

Yes, kindness does pay extremely well. It's important to show that you really care about others and when people see that you do it's really easy to get what you want.

Written by aprilatwood
3891 days ago

Thank you for your comment! I completely agree, and I think more success can always be found through collaboration.

Written by lyceum
3891 days ago

I got hungry for Poutine now! ;) Have you had it? Is this the secret weapon from Canuck country? :)

Written by aprilatwood
3891 days ago

I've heard it has mystical properties! And yes, I've made it at home, but I'm curious how much better it would be if made by a real Canadian!

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