Popular opinion says that you should blog about something you’re passionate about because you’ll be interested in the topic and your excitement will come across in your content. The belief is that you’ll also quickly grow bored and give up if you’re not really passionate about your topic. But how much weight does this theory hold? After all, this is you’re livelihood we’re talking about. Should you really develop your business around your passion?


Written by lyceum
2150 days ago

I will develop a hobby business around my passion for tea, step by step. I started a blog, and I published my first book on tea. I will start a podcast on tea, and create tea related products and services. I want to talk about my self-publishing journey and my passion for tea, and how you could use social media for develop your interest, knowledge, and business.

Written by Rbacal
2154 days ago
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Written by bbrian017
2154 days ago

Yea, tell me about it, I've been working with blog engage for 11 years now and it seems to be more grunt work then passion. However at times I still find that little passion within me to keep pushing forward.

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