The day only has 24 hours, and when your account for the time spent sleeping and doing all the other daily rituals, that leaves about less than half of the original 24 to be spent on work and the transport to and from the office. As an employer, you need to recognize the fact that every second that is on the company dime needs to be maximized as much as it can. This doesn’t necessarily mean cracking the whip and forcing your employees to put their face down as they go to work; it just means that you should teach them how to properly utilize the time that is to be set aside for work. Proper time management is often the most overlooked element that can lead to success, and if you want your company to grow, then you need to make time your ally.
Teaching the Importance of Time Management to Your Employees
Posted by bizyolk under StrategyFrom 4203 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on May 22, 2013 12:25 pm
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