The Social Economy: Unlocking Value and Productivity Through Social Technologies. This report shows what a tremendous advantage Social Technology is to the world of business. Here I am going to highlight some of these benefits to save you having to read 184 pages...


Written by nialldevitt
4366 days ago

Nice one John, we tend to only see social with a sales and marketing perspective, but as this report highlights - these tools can be used across the business. For me, there are huge opportunities for nearly all businesses around customer insights and product development. This is surely the most logical place to start?

Written by elainerogers
4366 days ago

Very interesting read there John.

I'm glad you mentioned the other benefits of social technologies, besides just in business. I read an article this morning on Finland utilising crowd sourcing, using a new Open Ministry platform to create new laws. Imagine that in Ireland!! Transparency and collaboration? We need more of that, and if social technologies help it spread, then it will permeate throughout.

And 90% less emails definitely sounds attractive, esp for those getting hundreds of internal messages a day!

Great analysis of the report - thanks for sharing

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