Why You Should Make Sure Others Steal Your Ideas

Why You Should Make Sure Others Steal Your Ideas - http://www.youbrandinc.com Avatar Posted by ScottScanlon under Strategy
From http://www.youbrandinc.com 4191 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on January 13, 2013 10:37 pm
You should strive to have your ideas stolen.

Over the last few days a few of my friends on Facebook have spoken out about how their ideas or strategies have been adopted (stolen). Now these are ideas/strategies they haven’t readily shared but other marketers did what all market participants do, they watch their market and adapted.


Written by tcamba
4191 days ago

Hmmmm....this is quite an interesting post. I have never thought about this matter before. Great ideas do get shared. Those that aren't are just left out in the open.

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