eBook Distribution: An Irish Company Leading The Way

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Success Stories
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4156 days ago
Made Hot by: bigmoneyweb on May 14, 2013 10:31 am
I recently saw a video presentation from an NSC Campus Lunch n’ Learn event and it featured Patrick Crowley, Digital Content Marketing Manager of ePubDirect.com. As I’m always on the look out for an interesting person to interview I thought he would be ideal seeing as they are a success story for Ireland in eBook Distribution and their recent partnership with Random House is an amazing achievement too.


Written by lyceum
4156 days ago

It is interesting to see how a big publishing house like Random House is investing heavily into global ebook distribution. I got myself an ebook reader as a X-mas gift. The challenge is to find books to read on it. The ebook reader is designed for a big online book seller in Scandinavia. I will follow ePubDirect.com's business development. When will it be a lot cheaper with e-books than regular books?

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