Hacked: It Could Never Happen to My Site (Famous Last Words)

Hacked: It Could Never Happen to My Site (Famous Last Words) - http://www.smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by ksmith under Technology
From http://www.smallbiztrends.com 5985 days ago
Made Hot by: klenronald on February 8, 2008 6:33 pm
With the millions of websites out there, you think you're safe. You think the statistics are in your favor. That your website would never get hacked.

Well, I'm here to tell you it CAN happen to you.

The Small Business Trends website was hacked this past Christmas Eve. What happened is part of a larger and disturbing trend in which small-business websites and blogs are being attacked and compromised. WordPress sites seem to be a particular target.

Anita Campbell decided to share her story, in the hopes that it will help you avoid a hacking or if one does happen, recover quickly.


Written by LindaStacy
5985 days ago

I've experience an unethical competitor attempt to drive traffic away from my site by using Google PPC to redirect traffic. Mine you i work for a large b2b company.

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