Entrepreneur's Beware Cyber & Network Security Exposure

Avatar Posted by ryanhanley under Technology
From http://www.ryanhanley.com 4958 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on February 17, 2011 6:01 pm
For technology forward businesses that communicate, and transact business over the internet and in many cases perform their business services over the internet, Network and Cyber Security is crucial to sustainability.


Written by businessavante
4957 days ago

Interesting, Sherry!

I worked at a hospital where the paper trash-cans were padlocked, and we weren't even in a potential "patient information" division. They took the already shredded bulk paper out back (under the watchful eye of security & maintenance) directly to an incinerator truck parked a few feet from the door. But we were a small community hospital - I can't imagine the amount of paper the giant ones had.

businessavante (Duncan)

Written by sherisaid
4954 days ago

I did a few articles about data security, and some of the stories were almost laughable...the corporate exec who left his unencrypted laptop on a plane, the bank with an unsecured wireless network --thieves just parked in the parking lot and downloaded customer banking info--the doctor's office that threw unshredded records in the dumpster out back...and people are worried about using credit cards online...if they only knew. Of course, with each disaster, we learn. (or so I hope)

Written by sherisaid
4957 days ago

I remember a story from a few years ago...thousands of patient records from a hospital were en route to a super-secure data storage facility and were stolen from the driver's car. He left the records on the back seat overnight. No matter how secure your systems might be, you can't combat human error.

Written by ryanhanley
4937 days ago

We had two local Supermarket chains get their customers CC number stolen because of a very loosely secured network... Scary stuff really...

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