Forget SEO - Get Found Online by Focusing on Brand Building

Forget SEO - Get Found Online by Focusing on Brand Building - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Technology
From 3444 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on February 1, 2015 12:40 am
Learn how my business online magazine gains more web traffic via brand reputation building and management, not Google and SEO.


Written by lyceum
3440 days ago

Ivan: That is great to hear! We have to talk soon about branding real people, and the new online business venture... :)

Written by lyceum
3442 days ago

Ivan: Thanks for sharing you candid and personal report on how you have built your brand, without being under Google's "spell".... ;)

Written by ivanpw
3441 days ago


It's difficult to break out, but once I did, I can start to see what matters most to my business - brand and real people :)

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