You would think that in the age of BYOD, that the two-phone stack, people carrying one phone for work and another for personal use would be fading, but in my informal observations, I've noticed that it still persists --and one is usually a BlackBerry. And this in spite of BlackBerry's dire financial problems.


Written by lyceum
3858 days ago

Ron: I think that they should ask for your advice! ;)

Written by lyceum
3859 days ago

Ron: Thanks for insights. Have you got any feedback from the folks at Blackberry?

Written by rsmiller510
3859 days ago

No, oddly they have not sought out my opinion. :)

Written by kingofcontent92
3859 days ago

These tandem have never been forgotten and is still living its name. Because of this, Blackberry is holding on for people are still relying on the usefulness of blackberry to make their life easier.

Written by rsmiller510
3859 days ago

Unfortunately for BlackBerry, that's just not accurate. BlackBerry sales have plunged to the point where it's an afterthought in the smartphone market barely squeezing out 4 percent in the US.

Written by lyceum
3859 days ago

Ron: Sorry for mixing up IBM with Microsoft! ;)

Do you have a guess who will buy the bits and pieces of RIM?

Written by rsmiller510
3859 days ago

I don't know, but there are solid pieces there with the BlackBerry server that could prove useful to many companies.

Written by bloggerpalooza
3860 days ago

The habit is never fading and when mobilization is at view, people having two phones are a bit advantageous than those with single phones only that is why Blackberry is hanging in this concept.

Written by lyceum
3860 days ago

Ron: Thanks for sharing your "undercover" findings! I bought a used Blackberry from a friend some years ago. I like the roller ball and the keyboard, but I thought it was too complicate to operate. I then got a good deal from an mobile operator to get an iPhone 3 S and have never looked back! ;) I recently upgraded to iPhone 5 S (from my iPhone 4 S). Do you think Blackberry could do a comeback if they invent a new platform?

Btw: Thanks for your transparency in an previous comment regarding your post on Microsoft.

Written by rsmiller510
3860 days ago

It was IBM, but you're welcome. :)

Do I think BlackBerry can come back? No I do not. That ship has sailed and I expect the pieces will be sold off next year.

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