Microsoft offers Exchange, SharePoint online to SMBs

Avatar Posted by thesmiths under Technology
From 5987 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 6, 2008 3:49 pm
Microsoft this week unveiled Microsoft Online Services for companies of all sizes. Previously, and somewhat incongruously, MOS had been available only to companies with 5,000 employees or more. Now, it's out there for the audience that seems most likely to crave it, SMBs.

MOS consists mostly of hosted versions of Exchange and SharePoint servers along with some other features, such as Web conferencing, thrown in. It's an obvious parry to Google's thrust of Google Apps, the online suite of applications the search giant announced last year. But while Google is taking the odd approach of trying to build support for apps among grassroots users and bypassing stodgy IT types, Microsoft seems much more likely to leverage its massive partner network to sell MOS to business decision makers.

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Written by Aaronontheweb
5986 days ago

If your provider is cut off, you are still screwed, on-site or off-site.

Written by iandenny
5986 days ago

The question that is never answered for small businesses with hosting is:

What do you do when BT or your broadband provider is cut off?

For many businesses, it can cost thousands if they were off for a day or two and not able to receive email or work effectively.

Having the infrastructure in your office is still more guaranteed than off-site.

When proper service level agreements come in for broadband, or leased lines (more robust) come down in price sufficiently, it may be worthwhile.

Until then, be wary of hosted apps as the mission critical centre of your small business.

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