If raising venture capital, your company name impacts your ability to raise VC. Find out the right letters and length for your company name so you can raise VC. Read More
The US corporate income tax rate is 35%. Yet this year, Google, which made $5.5 billion in revenues, only paid an effective tax rate of 2.4%. Indeed, it’s not unusual for a corporation to pay only 6-7% in effective taxes.
Such numbers put you and me and most small businesses to shame. What gives? Read More
In this franchise business article series, I've explored several popular reasons that people buy franchises. Most folks that buy franchises want to make a pretty big change in their lives, bring in a nice income,and possibly even build some equity.... Read More
Making sure your business gets paid on time and as seamlessly as possible is critical to your success and survival. Here are some pointers about setting up customer payment options, tips for getting paid on time, and what to do if you don’t! Read More
The Philly Blog Tax is a silly tax and a major reason why every people, including those in the Government, should start blogging and try to make money from it Read More
Over the last several years, presidential administrations and congresses have engaged in a number of Keynesian fiscal measures: stimulus checks for households, “cash for clunkers,” tax credits for homebuyers, and the gargantuan 2009 stimulus bill. Read More
It takes planning to enjoy the superior benefits of true franchising success. The trick is to prepare yourself to invest in an opportunity that fits you and is something that you will enjoy being a part of. The earliest preparation that you make in order to take on this major endeavor will help you Read More
Buying a franchise can be an excellent way to go into business while having the security of a tried and true business plan for success. It can take much of the trial and error out of the equation that independent business owners often go through, because you can instead work from a template of an Read More
As an entrepreneur and business owner you will probably have to raise capital one or more times throughout your company’s lifecycle. You will meet with your share of private investors and bankers over the years, and in some cases it will make sense to accept funding from these groups. And for many, Read More
Whether you are a new entrepreneur or a more experienced business owner, taking control of your finances can feel like a part-time job. Some simple tips can help you streamline your time, organize your finances and reduce the stress of business money matters. Read More

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