Hummingbird helps to get a smart result in search engine. There is no doubt that Hummingbird affects almost 90% of researchers query globally. And with this, more search result will be provided. Read More
Convincing others that change is essential is one of a leader's most challenging tasks. Follow these 9 best practices to get people's buy-in.

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Do you know giveaways are reliable ways to encourage your readers and drive more traffic to your blog/website?

Find out how you can successfully organize giveaways on your blog, and how to participate in them if you are not a blog owner. Read More
A green office can help save our planet earth, and it also brings about real direct benefits to your businesses. Here are some simple tips to make your office green. Read More
For better blogging you need to write articles which attract your readers, without readership you blog is nothing. To improve your blog's readership you have to concentrate on some factors Read More
I was 16 years old.

And I was dreading the upcoming hockey season.

Not a usual situation for a Canadian teenager.

It was because of one particular guy, a loud-mouthed "tough" guy, who had a knack for making you fear him. Read More
Do you know someone you consider to be – putting it delicately … not as smart as you are …

… yet they seem to be having more success in life than you?

I think we've all run into people like that at one point or another in our lives.

Do you ever say to yourself, "What do they know that I d Read More
Leasing a commercial space for a small business is loaded with traps that can derail even the best run business. This post comes from interviewing 3 experts that should be involved in the process but often are not. Read More
This weekend there was a great piece in the WSJ by Alexandra Wolfe about Howard Schultz the founder of Starbucks. There were so many great inspirational points on scaling a business, I felt the need to trap them here. I’ve added my take in italics. Read More
It would be interesting to review a few perceptions that job seekers have on issues stemming from feelings rather than from thinking. Such perceptions are based more on gut feelings rather than logic. Read More

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