Most organizations focus their efforts on either generating revenues, or cutting expenses. What frequently gets lost in the mix is the cost of disorganization. Check out our recent infograph, that highlights the most popular offenders, and the estimated costs to an average small business. Do you Read More
140/90 Numbers no business person wants to hear. This is the figure indicating high blood pressure. All business people are caregivers, caring for service, products, or entire operation. All have stress, bad habits or genes and chromosomes that become contributing factors in high blood pressure. Read More
How do you build your business when trying to balance family, clients, friends and your health? Focus on these 3 things and the rest will start to fall in line. Read More
What if you owned a business where there were 20 new competitors every hour, 24/7/365? If you plan to sell your business in the next few years, that's what the market will look like. Read More
During this year's inaugural Y'all Connect conference, meteorologist James Spann opened up about making his biggest mistake and what he did to recover. Read More
I learned a lesson from a store owner I saw when I was watching a television program. I can’t recall exactly what’s the name of the show, but the topic is about livelihood. Read More
Any business today should include some international elements. Here are 5 tips which can help you in getting ready to trade across borders. Read More
I sure have some special plans for you; but I cannot unveil them without letting you know.

I am adding new values to my life so I can in turn add something meaningful to your life. Read More
As the CEO of a business you will suffer some or even most of these symptoms. You could be flat lining on the sales front or aggressively growing but if you notice these symptoms you’re probably not scaling. Eventually we all stop scaling if we don’t do something about it. Read More
Sick of hearing you should practice your speeches and presentations? Well, my practice weary peeps, I’ve got some new tips will help you break out of your boring practice patterns and rocket your public speaking right outa hereeeee! (I guarantee you haven't heard these before.) Read More

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