If you really want to find something you love you have to get beyond the job boards and resumes. Competing for a “me to” job against hundreds of other applicants isn’t going to get you want you want. Only by approaching your job search like a business will you find a rewarding position. Read More
It may feel like your employees aren't working as hard as they could or should, and you really need them to give their all. There are a few things you can do that will influence them to work harder just because they want to. Read today's post to implement four awesome ways to influence your employe Read More
The first steps you take upon receiving lawsuit papers are critical. This article explains what you should and should not do when served with lawauits against your business. Read More
In my previous blog post, I wrote about an On the Record podcast in which Eric Schwartzman interviewed Brian Solis, Principal of the Altimeter Group, author, speaker, and futurist to coincide with the launch of his new book, What’s the Future of Business?
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There are two major reasons home-based business owners fail to invest in insurance for their businesses: Read More
This simple interactive guide from Simply Business shows you how you can drive email signups, increase business leads and hence fuel more profit from your website. Read More
These 5 steps are explained in detail: 1) Show gratitude for any money which enters your life, 2) Act as if you are rich, 3) Find a penny, pick it up, 4) Be open to money-making opportunities, 5) Do something that makes you feel good. Read More
Small businesses have plenty on their plates and staying on top of it all can be a huge challenge. Are you staying in touch with what your company needs or are you out of the loop? Read More
How to manage anger? If you're wondering here are 6 effective ways to help you manage anger so you don't have to stress out. Read More
Most entrepreneurs are obsessed in what their business does. That level of obsession can determine their success and failure. But obsession has its limits. Read More

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