Showrooming is the new way consumers shop and is the new problem for retailers. Industry Insights' Joe Keenan explains how retailers can combat showrooming. Read More
It’s the simple things in life that matter the most. So let me take pleasure in sharing 6 reasons why living your values is the best thing you can do right now. Read More
Guest posting is one of the trusted techniques that are adopted by Blog owners to Build Links. Many Blog owners get confused that When they should start guest posting for there site. Read More
In this article, we’ll discuss the habit of playing a work theme song, why it can make you productive, the specifics of the habit, and how to pick your own song. Read More
In this article, we will talk about the habit of going to a happy place, what is a happy place, and how it can make you productive. Read More
There’s something in deep our minds that keeps us from doing what we know we want to do. It’s taboo. It’s private. It’s puzzling. Everyone experiences it, but we often don’t know how to address it. Of course I’m talking about fear. Read More
In an ideal world, your workplace would run as a cohesive well-oiled machine with moving parts that fit perfectly together, generating maximum productivity and operating efficiency. Everyone would get along well, always be on the same page and completely support each others' needs. Your work would Read More
How do you know if you are an Entrepreneur?

If neither choice at the fork in the road looks promising but that doesn’t stop you.

If being disruptive sounds like a good thing.
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This book review about Strengths Finder 2.0 talks about the need for companies to build on their staff members' strengths instead of investing in their weaknesses. Read More
Many business owners write job descriptions based on employee needs instead of company needs. But when they do this, they are left doing all the dirty work. Read More

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