One of the downsides to being a small business is owner is that there never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done.

That said, there are tricks of the trade to finding more time - or at least finding more "free" time. In other words, the key is to save wasted hours and reclai Read More
We all need some inspiration to help our efforts to improve economic and business performance so I thought that these top ten tips from the leadership coach might help other business owners to focus on business and employee growth simultaneously. Hope you like them. Read More
Blockbuster saw Netflix coming and did nothing to defend their position. Blockbuster was the category killer of local mom-and-pop video stores, expanding to over 9000 stores at its peak. They were the VHS and DVD behemoth, but they were also... Read More
Why not? Don’t you trust me?

Last week a delegate on my course asked me a good question relating to the issue of trust.

She said,“Can I ask you a question related to trust?

I don’t know how to handle the situation when my daughter, or anyone else, uses the concept of trust to ask for an un Read More
5 Military Training Techniques We Can Apply to Business
Military training techniques are often associated with war, although business leaders can learn several useful lessons from them. Discipline,... Read More
Staying in a reactive stance can produce a blindness that prevents us from seeing what we tolerate.Instead of allowing these chronic stressors to numb you, make a choice. You may not have control but you do have... Read More
What is your effect on the people you lead?  Do you leave them better of or are they relieved when you leave.  Asking the question about the net effect of your Leadership and Management is Shawn Murphy from Switch and Shift, guest posting on the Leadership Connexion this week. I recall reading rece Read More
Over time, the companies that survive are the ones that are constantly innovating. The world changes, and if your business does not change with it, you are likely to be overrun by your competitors and disappear into a big black hole somewhere.

But the secret is not innovation alone - it's the st Read More
An agenda clarifies the topic of the meeting, both broadly and specific points…Once an agenda has been created, the key thing is to actually use it during the meeting. If the agenda is not followed, it is virtually meaningless… Read More
Regardless of your job title or industry, if you get into the office in the early AM and pray the sun is still out by the time you leave, you’ve encountered the post-lunch slump. This post contains five tips for energizing during the afternoon work day. Read More

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