In product design, mistakes are costly, and the longer it takes to discover a problem, the more costly it becomes. Involve your manufacturer early to keep costs under control. Read More
Here is a fact that, while most bloggers wouldn’t want to admit it, is unfortunately true. Most of us, and by us, I mean people that spend a large chunk of their time writing for blogs, don’t make a great deal of money as writers. Of course there are always exceptions to that rule, but for the most Read More
In my previous post, Back At TweakYourBiz , I mentioned I had taken time to assess what I wanted to do next. Regular readers of this blog have probably noticed that I shy away from getting too personal. But during a recent coaching session, I noticed that the questions I was asking my client... Read More
This is the kind of situation that you will more likely encounter while being on holidays. It's a very popular rule that many businesses (big and small) still keep nowadays. The reason? I honestly don't think they know or understand why. It's something they've been enforcing for years so why stop n Read More
Leonardo Da Vinci once said "a small room disciplines the mind". In this article, Drew Davies gives simple tips to make the most of of the space available to your business. Read More
Inexperienced Leaders sometimes gets confused between power and leadership. They think that power, shown through exercising authority and taking charge, or being in a position to tell others what to do is leadership.  However power and leadership are two very different things. Power is a tool that Read More
Many of the Japanese expatriates at my clients’ subsidiaries in the U.S. don’t have a clear idea of what their role is. Given vague titles like “Coordinator” or “Liaison”, they aren’t sure where they fit into the local organization… Read More
This author shares a very compelling email from a small business owner that failed. It looks in hindsight and analyzes why it failed and the author uses this as a point to prevent others from failing. Read More
You have to account for all of the functions of your contractors and staff in order to improve productivity. Here are five tips that can help you move your business in the right direction. Read More
By Caron Beesley. Is the marketplace squeezing your margins?

Making money is a perennial challenge for small business owners, and simply increasing your prices or selling more products or services – often at compromised margins – isn’t always the answer.

So, what sustaina Read More

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