LinkedIn has been around since 2003, which for a social network is a long time. However, when it first launched it never really seemed to have a point. Great for recruiters and those looking to change jobs but as a sticky network that would engage users, it just didn't seem to have a plan.

Fast Read More
World Marketing The macro environment refers to the factors that are
constantly changing that we have relatively little control over outside of our
business or organisation. These factors are known to... Read More
Guest blogging helps you spread the word about your business or website. It is one way I get more people to view Sociatic and increase my RSS subscriber counts. It ... Read More
Thinking about your customers is central to a good online marketing strategy.  This post is a practical look at using customer knowledge to build inbound links to your site, help your SEO and build your customer base. Read More
Do you want to be one step ahead than your competitors? Here are number of powerful SEO tactics from Los Angeles SEO company to get listed at the top of Google and beat your competition within few weeks. Read More
As I’m writing this article, I am quite curious on what my grandma is doing now. But have you ever wondered what would happen if your grandparents have a Facebook account?

According to a report by AllAssistedLivingHomes, Facebook has seen a surge of 1448% of senior citizens and over 55’s joining Read More
How Important is Followup to a Job Search? Well, it's simply the key to the kingdom.People can give you leads, introductions, referrals but the followup determines the outcome. It's true of business networking, job search efforts and life, in general. A colleague once said, "I may not be the most br... Read More
In this article, you will learn the best search engine optimization tips for WordPress. WordPress is the most effective traffic generation program to use . However, some none-techie small business owners shy away from using WordPress because they think it’s a difficult application. Read More
Most first-time entrepreneurs do not see the importance of how a small business plan would work for them. Typically, these entrepreneurs just go with their gut, ignoring the first step in what would make their businesses thrive in the industry. Read More
There are potential disasters that every entrepreneur needs to be aware of and prepared for. There are numerous ways that disasters can affect your small business. Read More

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