This blog post will guide you in setting up automatic backup of your WordPress-powered website using 2 tools I regularly use: ManageWP and Backup Box. Read More
Remember when tablets meant pills. You should, it was only a few years ago, but you'd be forgiven in thinking it was longer ago than that. Thanks primarily to the iPad, tablets are indeed taking over their laptop and desktop counterparts. Read More
A few weeks ago, we enabled multisite on this blog. While not for the faint of heart, it is actually a fairly simple process, especially when you consider that you are simply enabling a hidden feature already built into your own WordPress installation. The cool thing about multisite is that it allo Read More
On January 15, Facebook unveiled its new social graph. This new type of search algorithm searches the wisdom of your collective network rather than the entire Internet. At the time of this writing, graph search is still in beta.
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What is a QR code? A quick response code is used by many businesses now for adding additional marketing and is used by mobile users to access more information from contact info to maps to promotional coupons to boarding an airplane to going to a website to tweeting or even customer support! Read More
Unless you’ve avoided all television news, hot trending stories or any social media, you probably know our darling redhead has again screwed up, Read More
Guest blogging isn’t just something recreational bloggers do for fun. For professionals and businesses, it’s an opportunity to leverage your industry expertise for exposure to potential customers.
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Review of Yesware a very helpful program for small businesses that depend on email as a major form of communication.

Sales and public relations teams come immediately to mind – as both professions depend on sending out large email correspondences to “sell” a recipient on a product, service, pr Read More
Cloud computing for small business could be one of those things which could be very beneficial when used in the right manner.

As these days, even the smallest businesses often use some kind of accounting software along with their office suite. Read More
Google's webmaster help for hacked sites is a new section that explains how and why sites are hacked, provides insights on how to recover a site and much more. Read More

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