To provide this quality of service, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) providers have to be able to detect and respond instantly to any unforeseen events that may affect their service, and resolve problems before anything breaks. In this post we will review how Librato Me Read More
Virtual web hosting services are plenty & are relatively cheap. One has to wisely choose the right hosting services to ensure steady growth Read More
Yahoo and Bing are consistently sending more highly targeted organic search traffic to my startup than Google. How is this possible? Google dominates the search market, with about 66% of US traffic - clearly a far greater percentage of search traffic than all of the other search engines combined. Read More
For most beginning bloggers, it's a set it and forget it kind of item. Yet in the long run it can be one of the most important decisions any upstart blogger makes. Unless you're using a free service such as Blogger or -- which is not at all recommended -- you'll need to buy a hosting Read More
Remember the days before the internet, where your options of making money were down to getting a job or opening a brick and mortar business. These days your options are not so limited. There are now countless opportunities for the internet to help you make money. Read More
I remember thinking to myself, “I’m never going to be that mom who is totally consumed by her smart-phone that she’s too busy to pay attention to her child”. Read More
Getting your small business online can be difficult, until you have found the right combination of tools. In particular, creating a professional look and feel for your webpages is crucial for building trust and reputation (both hugely important for making sales). This post isn't going to rehash th Read More
Podcasting is one of the many vehicles we can use to get our message across to our audience of readers, listeners, clients and customers. If you’re a regular visitor here you probably know about my YouTube channel, but it might come as a surprise to you that I’ve been podcasting for almost two year Read More
Content curation requires monitoring specific areas of interest on the Web to find fresh information related to that interest. The challenge is identifying and extracting the most valuable content. Good content curators manage to see the “needle in the haystack”. It is critical to detect emerging p Read More
All of us have areas of interest and expertise that we wish to continue developing. We want to know everything that is going on in relation to that topic. More importantly, we want to be sure we are not missing anything important. This article describes 7 roadblocks to effective content curation. Read More

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